
We are radical lesbian feminists in the UK who are friends and activists in real life.

In the past, lesbians were often at the forefront of political organising, including feminist activism. Now, though radical lesbian feminists still work extremely hard at the forefront, our perspectives are silenced in political spaces. This blog is to counteract our invisibility within the feminist movement, within mixed ‘radical’ left movements, and most urgently, under the Queer LGBT movement.

We recognise that gender is a tool created by Patriarchy to control and subjugate women. We seek to abolish it. We are Queer and Trans critical because these theories seek to reinforce gender, further enshrine it in law. They exist in opposition to gender abolition.

This blog will take a consciousness raising approach, analysing our own life experiences and those of women around us through a feminist lens. When we begin to understand the context of our lived experience and see the parallels and connections, we become politicised.

Some lesbians face multiple oppressions which shape our personal experiences. We are politically critical of individualistic solutions, both within and external to lesbian communities as we know that women’s oppression is institutionalised, built into the structures of society. We are part of a wider movement to dismantle those structures.

Working ethically and with integrity, alongside our political values, is integral to feminist activism. Radical lesbian feminism is, and must be, revolutionary. We have joined that revolution.

We will be blogging regularly. Radical lesbian feminists are invited to contribute to this blog by emailing radicallesbianfeminists@hush.com


3 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello! I look forward to reading about your ideas, interests and plans. I’ve just one question so far: will your comment section be female-only space? Or do you anticipate allowing men to post here?

    • Hi, Thanks Om.

      The comments section will be female-only. The whole purpose of our blog is to create as much space as possible for Radical Lesbian Feminists to connect with each other

  2. I love this blog and all it stands for. Thank you for all you have done and are doing to help women see what is really going on. I will continue to visit this place and consider it home.


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